Community Information

Public involvement is an important part of the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers’ (USACE) Formerly Used Defense Sites (FUDS) Program. Interested community members are encouraged to become involved in the process. An information repository that contains documents related to the environmental investigations at the site has been established at the Laramie County Public Library and is also available on the Site Reports page.

The first community involvement activity for Site 4 was development of a Community Involvement Plan (CIP) in April 2004. The CIP summarized community interviews regarding concerns related to the site, informational needs and methods for gaining access to project information, and the role of a possible advisory board.  The USACE has recently updated the CIP with a Public Involvement Plan (PIP). View Current Public Involvement to learn more.

In September 2009, community concerns lead to development of a Community Advisory Group (CAG) that was facilitated by Wyoming Department of Environmental Quality (WDEQ). The CAG was replaced by the Restoration Advisory Board (RAB) in 2011. A RAB is a group sponsored by the Department of Defense that brings together different members of the community to hear about and comment on ongoing cleanup actions at military bases or facilities. Additional information about a RAB is available on the Restoration Advisory Board Information page. The RAB meetings, which are open to the public, update the community on the environmental studies and program activities related to the Trichloroethylene (TCE) contamination in the groundwater and emanating from Site 4. To learn more about the Site 4 RAB and how to participate in the RAB, view the Site 4 Restoration Advisory Board page.

If you would like to be added to the community information mailing list, please contact one of the following individuals:

Julie Godberson, Project Manager

US Army Corps of Engineers, Omaha District
(402) 995-2625

Public Affairs Specialist

U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Omaha District
(402) 995-2419 ext X-2418 | Toll-Free: 888-835-5971

John Passehl

Wyoming Department of Environmental Quality
Federal Facilities Program
200 West 17th Street, Suite 400
Cheyenne, WY 82002
(307) 777-8275

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Region 8
Community Involvement Coordinator
1-800-227-8917 ext 303-312-6601