A Community Advisory Group (CAG) was formed in September 2009. The group was facilitated by Wyoming Department of Environmental Quality (WDEQ) and provided summaries of draft and final documents. The first meeting of the CAG was held on January 16, 2010 at the Lion’s Park Kiwanis Community House. The CAG was replaced by the Restoration Advisory Board (RAB) in 2011.
Documents presented or relevant to the former CAG are provided below:
- CBOPU Goals and Planning Meeting Agenda, December 3, 2010
- CBOPU Goals and Planning Meeting Presentation, December 3, 2010
- A Citizen’s Guide to Pump and Treat, EPA 542-F-01-025, December 2001
- A Citizen’s Guide to Air Stripping, EPA 542-F-01-016, December 2001
- A Citizen’s Guide to Soil Vapor Extraction and Air Sparging, EPA 542-F-01-006, April 2001
- Trichloroethylene (TCE) Fact Sheet, ATSDR, July 2003
- Public Information Meeting Presentation, Summary of Completed and Planned Work, November 2010
- Public Information Meeting, Work Summary Posters, November 2010
- CAG Meeting Recap, June 22, 2010
- Community Advisory Group (CAG) Meeting Minutes, January 26, 2010
- Technical Project Planning (TPP) Meeting Minutes, June 24-25, 2009
- Technical Project Planning Meeting Minutes, December 17-18, 2008
- Technical Project Planning Meeting Minutes, April 9-10, 2008
- Joint Agency Coordination Meeting Minutes, March 11, 2008
- Joint Agency Coordination Meeting Minutes, June 22, 2006